In 2021, Innovative Hydrology made a trip to Panama to install a GOES HRIT Dish to help ENEL Fortuna switch over from a non functioning Direct Readout Ground Station (DRGS) for GOES data reception. The installation included the alignment of the dish, setup the dish receiver, and re-configuration of Decode Software.
GOES HRIT Installation, Panama, ENEL Fortuna (2021)
Matt Heggli2021-07-20T21:30:42+00:00Current Projects
Canal Monitoring Network, Sutter County (2021)
Matt Heggli2021-07-20T21:05:11+00:00Current Projects
In 2021, Innovative Hydrology was tasked with the evaluation, design and installation of Canal monitoring network in Sutter County. Four sites were installed with radar water level sensors with automated data logging and real-time telemetry using GOES satellite. Innovative Hydrology also provides a web visualization service for the data utilizing WXvisual.
Surface Water Monitoring Network, San Jose Water Agency (2019-Present)
Matt Heggli2021-07-20T20:52:54+00:00Current Projects
Between 2019 and 2020, Innovative Hydrology established nine stream gauge monitoring stations, and five reservoir monitoring stations with automated data logging and real-time telemetry utilizing GOES satellite. As part of the project IH was also responsible for performing manual flow measurements and creation of rating tables. IH is also tasked with maintaining the network.
Environmental Monitoring Radio Network Implementation, Summit Lake Paiute Tribe (2018)
Matt Heggli2021-07-19T17:36:28+00:00Current Projects, Past Projects
In 2018, Innovative Hydrology performed a radio path survey to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a 900MHz radio network on the Summit Lake reservation. The evaluation resulted in a 4 station radio network that linked the existing stream gauges to one central location where data can be sent out over GOES satellite. The use of the 900Mhz radios eliminated the need for 3 extra GOES radios, and allowed telemetry to sites where GOES line of site was not available.
National Hydromet Optimization, Dominica (2017- Present)
Matt Heggli2017-01-19T23:49:28+00:00Current Projects
In January 2017, Innovative Hydrology began work with the Common Wealth of Dominica in the optimization of National Hydro- meteorological monitoring and forecasting system.
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